Saturday, February 4, 2012

Emma Watson’s sexuality captured

Photography Post #3
Alysha Reed

Photographs can capture the essence of an individual person.  In this photo of Emma Watson, along with the quote by her, sums up the essence of who Watson is as a person.  Clearly from the photograph anyone can look and see a girl with short hair.  However, it is much more than that and makes you stop and think.   The silence of the photograph with the voice of Watson, evokes deep thought.
  Typically women are thought to have long flowing hair and men are seen as having very short trimmed locks.  By defying that tiny aspect that society evokes in the minds of nearly every human being, Watson is standing up for who she is rather than conforming to the way in which society feels she should appear based upon her gender.  

1 comment:

  1. I simply love this. It has so much truth in it and sheds a light on how most media interprets women.

    Kira M.
