Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Graphic Design Post #3

Graphic Design 
Post #3

Sexual Graphic Art in Advertising

          While scouring the web for other blogs that have an interest in sharing sexuality and graphic design, I found this blog called The Dot. It is very interesting to see how sexuality has been booming in advertisements recently and how far advertisers will go! One of the most interesting ones, I think, is number 10. Graphic design artists created a stamp which has been placed on benches at a local bus stop. Whenever someone sits on the bench with exposed skin, the stamp gets nicely imbedded into their exposed areas and they are forced to walk around with the embarrassing text until their skin recovers. Another one that I felt was pushing the envelope between public pornography and public advertisement was number 12: Victoria's Secret. Now, this franchise has been displaying their products sexually from the beginning, which half naked woman dotting their stores and graphic ads, but I haven't seen anything like this yet. If you have a smartphone, which I'm sure many Americans do, you can just simply scan the code on the advertisement and poof! Suddenly, the woman's sexy lingerie is fully visible on your phone! I think this have definitely gone too far... Number 20 of part 2 in also quite interesting. I'm not sure if the graphic designers intentionally had a sexual innuendo in this piece, but the author of the blog sees it. It's concerning how prevalent sex has become in society's advertising.

-- Sammy McCracken

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